Monday, March 15, 2010

What do you want Essay #2 to be about?

So I'm in the midst of grading your first set of essays, and it led me to think about Essay #2. I'm still tossing around a few ideas about the assignment, which I'll give you before Spring Break.

But I wanted to hear your ideas--I'm sure you have them. So, let me ask this question: What would make a good topic for Essay #2?

I'm really interesting in your ideas for an assignment. I can't say that I'll definitely use an of them, but I thought bringing you guys into this conversation would be good for the class.

So, if you have ideas, half-ideas, thoughts, or suggestions for what you'd like to write about for the second essay, please leave them in the comments here.


  1. Since you seem to be trying to kill me with the poetry (kidding), how about something juxtaposing poetry and prose? Maybe, "Why I Love Prose and Poetry Hates Me"? This is probably not constructive at all but, come on, with this weeks assignment of Eliot how could I resist?

  2. I was actually thinking about having everyone do a line-by-line review of "The Waste Land." Bad idea?

  3. What if we wrote our own poems and write about how other writers have influenced us in our views and thoughts about poetry? I don't know... just trying to throw something out there. I'm not sure if I could come up with anything but at least I can say I tried! =)
